The Warrior Princess

Over the last few days I have been binge watching Xena, the Warrior Princess for the first time since I was a kid. Growing up , I was in love with this show. I thought Xena was the coolest character. I even tried, very unsuccessfully, to master her famous call. Watching the show now, as a grown up, there are things I am seeing that I missed when I was younger.

For starters, the show is cheesy as all get out! Which, of course, is a big part of its charm. It’s down to the smallest levels though. Have you ever just listened for the sound effects? Some episodes add a sound every time the characters turn their head from side to side. Or have you ever noticed all of the times that Xena does ten backflips to cover the distance to her adversary, just to punch him? Not to mention there is also the way they seem to defy gravity. Granted they are in the time of gods, and there is that unresolved theory that Ares is her true father. Or what about all of the mullets? Granted, the show did start in the early ’90’s, when mullets were a thing. Or silly one liners in the credits, such as the one at the end of Season 1: Episode 20, “No Fathers, Spiritual or Biological, were harmed during the production of this motion picture.”  All of these things just add to the reasons the show was, and still is, so popular.

But the cheesy comedy is not the reason why it has remained a cult classic, at least I don’t believe that is what has. The biggest reason, I see, for the shows success, is its strong, well written, female leads. They were written like actual people. Yes, their clothing was “revealing” but, it wasn’t unbelievable. Take Xena’s outfit. It is just as short as male Roman officers uniforms, and it is useful for fighting. Their shoes don’t have unbearably tall heels. They didn’t choose a blond, nor one who is super skinny.  Even  Helen of Troy was not blond haired and blue eyed. They showed there was beauty in all forms. Xena and Gabrielle did not need guys to save them. They were perfectly capable of doing it on their own. Gabrielle just as strong as Xena was, only with her wit and words.

I think we need to bring back more cheesy shows like this, that show strong female characters, have cheesy nonsense humor, and non-graphic humor. Fun shows for the family that teach life lessons and have morals in them.

Free Book!

Hello again Interwebbers!

Starting today, yes today! Shadow of Night will be having a FREE BOOK promo on Amazon!! It will only be free until Midnight on 12/15, so don’t miss out!

Side Note: This is book #2, so if you have not read book #1 (Dreams of Chimera) you may want to do that first. However, you might be the type of person to like reading books out of order, it’s up to you how you read them!

#amwriting #amwritingfantasy


If you are reading this blog, you have stumbled across a procrastinator! Shh! Be very quiet! Do not approach them. They have plenty enough distractions to enable their procrastination, approaching one in this state will only further add to their ever growing list of things to procrastinate with.

This particular specimen is putting off beginning new writing projects, and polishing up older ones, by reading and taking on new crafting projects instead. Let us hope determination replaces the procrastination before all is lost…